Indoor advertising printing posters,ECO-solvent outdoor printing,Heat transfer printing process
회사 개요
 Shengcai company was founded since 1997, specialized in Graphic Design, Advertising Printing & Display Equipment Business.Factory

founded  in 2004,Shengcai printing is a famous brand in Guangdong Province.We have 3 divisions: Shengcai Advertising CO.,Ltd

(Shenzhen Operation Center, Beijing Office), Lianqiang  Exhibition Display CO.,LTD. (Shenzhen Operation Center,Foshan factory,UV

Print and and Acrylic Division in Shenzhen Bantian ), Sheng Hong Trading Company Limited (Overseas Department , Hongkong Office).

회사 정보
소유권 유형 :
등록 자본 :
회사 설립 :
회사 규모 :
제품 (서비스) :
제품 구입 (서비스 필요) :
사업 범위 :
Indoor advertising printing posters,ECO-solvent outdoor printing,Heat transfer printing process
주요 산업 :
작동 모드 :